At D R Recycling Ltd in Moncton, we recycle an array of papers, plastics, and cardboards. We recycle most paper products such as newsprint, office paper, junk mail, magazines, paperback books, hard covered books, and outdated telephone books. That’s not all! We also recycle the cardboard (OCC) and paperboard, including food boxes, cereal boxes, paper towels, toilet paper tubes, and similar cardboard boxes.
Over the years, we have managed to add more plastic materials to our list. It includes clear plastic shrink wrap, pallet wrap, grocery bags, vinyl scrap, and PET strapping.
Our recycling centre in Atlantic Canada is one of the largest privately owned and operated commercial recycling centers. With over nine employees and two full-time shifts, we are striving to keep recyclable materials out of the landfills and maintain our environment clean. Get in touch with us today.